Cancellation policy


Non-refundable – Registration Fees for Lessons are not eligible for refunds.

DROP POLICY: You must contact us BY EMAIL by the 25th of the preceding month you are canceling to avoid being charged. Cancellations between the 25th and the end of the preceding canceled month will be charged a $15.00 administrative fee. No refunds for tuition if you are canceling at or after the 1st of the canceled month.

Email for cancellations.

Tuition: Tuition is automatically charged to the credit card used upon registration. If tuition is not received, a $15 administrative fee will be charged for manually billing you. Full tuition is due each month, even if all classes are not taken. Tuition does not include books, copies, or other supplies. Your tuition reserves your place in a class. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT WHETHER OR NOT ATTENDING CLASS.

Refunds/Credit: There are no refunds or credit for missed classes or holidays. There is a $25 returned check fee, regardless of the amount of the check.

Make-Up Classes: We offer make-up classes for students who miss a regular session while actively enrolled and have paid tuition for that month. Make-up classes are not substitutes for regular attendance and cannot be used to reduce your monthly tuition Due to class size limitations, make-up opportunities are subject to studio availability. If you miss a class and are not enrolled in the following month, you will not be able to make it up later. However, if you are enrolled in the subsequent month, you can make up missed classes from the previous month during that enrollment period, as long as space allows.

Pro-Rate: Only new students are pro-rated when signing up. Pro-rating is not allowed for returning students. We do not pro-rate for students who show up for lessons at the beginning of the month and then decide to take the rest of the month off.

Attendance: Please contact the studio if you are going to miss class. Non-attendance does not constitute dropping lessons permanently.

Drop off/Pick up: San Diego Music Studio is not liable for any injury that happens to you or your child if you attempt to drop off or pick up in an unsafe manner. Please drop your child off safely, and please pick up your child on time.

Hold Harmless: The Customer shall release, indemnify, and hold harmless San Diego Music Studio, Stone Music Supply LLC, and its affiliates from any and all costs, expenses, attorney fees, suits, liabilities, damages, or claim of damages, including but not limited to those arising out of any injury or death to any person or persons or damages to any property of any kind whatsoever and to whomsoever belonging, in any way relating to the scope of this Agreement. This indemnification agreement will survive the termination of this Agreement.

By agreeing to and paying for this registration fee, the customer agrees to these terms and conditions.